Beaver Scouts are full members of the Group and Movement – they make a promise, attend regular meetings, pay subscriptions, and wear a uniform. Our meetings are planned to cover a full range of activities: games (to encourage listening, thinking and co-operative skills), craft, singing, drama, home and road safety, local knowledge, nature and ‘good turns’.
1st Hinchley Wood Beavers progress automatically through to Cubs, and have priority for admission. Our Beaver colony is very active. We usually have 25 Beavers (the maximum allowed) and a waiting list. We have weekly meetings in term time and sometimes hold extra ones, such as day trips, at half-term.
How to Join
You can add your child to our waiting list on their FOURTH BIRTHDAY via the contact page
For any other enquiries please contact Beavers@1stHWScouts.org.uk
Beavers meet at our HQ on Wednesdays from 515 to 630pm
Recent Beavers News
- Wanted! Beaver Leaders for 1st Hinchley Wood
- Beavers reach new heights in Spring 2018
- Beavers get some target practice in…
- Highlights from Beavers Autumn Term 2017
- Busy Beavers in October!
Being a Beaver
When you join Beavers, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. As members of 1st Hinchley Wood Scout Group, Beavers take part in Church parades and Group camp.
Beavers have a varied programme that includes games, learning new skills, learning about our environment and how to live by the Beaver Scout promise ‘I promise to do my best, to be kind, helpful and to love God’. The past year has seen the Beaver Scouts cooking, going on bug hunts, planting flowers and vegetables, making paper aeroplanes, learning about other countries, learning about Fair Trade, making bird feeders, learning basic first aid and many other fun activities. We take part in District events: Christmas party, Beaver Fun Day and District Cross-country races.Activities and what you’ll get up to
Get an introduction to outdoor activities, have the opportunity to be creative, explore your local community and experience the excitement of a Beaver Scout sleepover with your friends.
Completing awards challenges you to do more, learn more and be more. See what’s on offer and start your journey to the top.
Beaver Promise
As a values based movement we all make the ‘The Promise’ an oath that helps us to be our best.
I promise to do my best, to be kind and helpful, and to love God.Moving up to Cubs
Eventually, it’ll be time to say farewell to Beavers and embrace your next big adventure.
Uniform and badge placement
You don’t need a uniform to join. But once you’ve settled in, you’ll start speedily earning badges, and you’ll need to know where to put them!
Become a Leader
All of our leaders are trained volunteers, working to make sure Scouting is safe, inclusive and accessible. Some lead the Colony week in and week out. Others visit occasionally to help run a session or drop in to share their skills. No matter how much time you have to spare, find out about volunteering on your own terms. If you wish to volunteer your help at Beaver Scouts (we are always looking for willing helpers!) please email the Group Scout Leader.